2010年2月10日 星期三

Brad W. Darcy

Brad在藝術訓練的背景中,透過學校及自我摸索的過程,在數位藝術上從電腦拚貼、動畫及影音創作等都不斷有新的嘗試。同時個人深厚的純藝術基礎讓他在雕塑和繪畫上持續的有新作呈現。身為知名美國政治漫畫家 Tom Darcy之子,Brad Darcy 從小就在藝術上環境中長大,了解

Brad透過自然隨性的創作過程,將心中的情緒和對世界的觀察,經由抽象的方式,低調的表現出來。對於創作媒材的熟悉以及直覺讓Mr.Darcy習於抓取鉛筆、墨水、紙張、泥土等媒材,並且自然的與素材對話,形成一種藝術家和媒材間的對等關係。所創作的議題包括,人類的演進,自然界的環境,以及最近將長期關心的國際現勢等觀察放入作品中。Brad W. Darcy 創作者的天份,經由多種媒材的混合運用,實踐源源不絕的想法。

Brad Darcy’s work revolves around the simplification of abstract expression with the intent of capturing and displaying ways for subtle thoughts and feelings to be expressed. Much of the work is started with a doodle like flicker of the brush or a quick push and pull of clay. In some cases drawings paintings or even sculptures are created in minutes other times the spontaneity is left in sketch faze and used for later refinement or study.

Drawing sessions are practiced regularly with the intent of revealing the unfamiliar as well as to abstract reality and the familiar. Captions or a sentences are sometimes used; written quickly afterwards to record fleeting background thoughts in mind while the drawings were created.

Whatever the medium he looks to expose instances in a framework that reveal hints of feeling and intent while at the same time retaining an air of mystery. Elements of nature such as mountains, animals and trees show up in my work a lot as well as the human figure and the transmission of thought.

1 則留言:

  1. Great!!! Cannot wait to see the installation video piece!!!
